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  1. Software for the simulation study in "Data-driven formulation of the Kalman filter and its Application to Predictive Control" 

    Smith, Roy (2024)
    Data-driven methods for predictive control rely on input-output data to give a Hankel matrix representation of the set of system behaviours. They are poorly suited to situations where both process noise and measurement noise dominate the behaviour whereas Kalman filters optimally estimate system states in this scenario. We derive a data-driven Kalman filter formulation based on dynamic evolution of Hankel matrix output predictions. ...
  2. Data_of_four_pathogen_project 

    Herzog, Mathias Klaus-Maria (2024)
    Campylobacter jejuni, non-typhoidal Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and enteropathogenic/enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EPEC/EHEC) are leading causes of food-borne illness worldwide. The mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium has been used to model EPEC and EHEC infection in vivo. Studies are addressing the critical role of the gut microbiome in host responses to these food-borne infections, however the comparability of data ...
    Data Collection
  3. Flow-distortion corrected meteorological measurements from the Arctic century expedition in August/September 2021 

    Thurnherr, Iris; Moallemi, Alireza; Makhotin, Mikhail (2024)
    This data set contains meteorological measurements from the Arctic century expedition on the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov in August and September 2021 in the Barents, Laptev and Kara Sea. A Vaisala MAWS240 meteorological station measured air temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature and air pressure at a temporal resolution of 30sec and wind speed and wind direction at 3sec resolution. Measurements were conducted on starboard and ...
  4. Supplementary Material for eProbe: Sampling of Environmental DNA within Tree Canopies with Drones 

    Kirchgeorg, Steffen; Chang, Jia Jin Marc; Jucker, Meret; et al. (2024)
    Data Collection
  5. Data for "Tailoring the Sensitivity of Microcantilevers To Monitor the Mass of Single Adherent Living Cells" 

    Incaviglia, Ilaria; Herzog, Sophie; Fläschner, Gotthold Viktor; et al. (2024)
    Data Collection
  6. Cracked Plates Under Tensile Load; Simulated and Experimental 

    Haywood-Alexander, Marcus; Ramachandran, Akshay; Chatzi, Eleni (2024)
  7. Beneficial rhizobacteria and virus infection modulate the soybean metabolome and influence the feeding preferences of the virus vector Epilachna varivestis 

    Pulido, Hannier; Mauck, Kerry E.; De Moraes, Consuelo M.; et al. (2024)
    There is growing evidence that microbial plant symbionts shape interactions between plants and other organisms by modulating gene expression and metabolism. However, the detailed mechanisms mediating such effects are not well understood, particularly in systems where plants interact simultaneously with multiple symbionts and antagonists. In this study, we employed a multi-factorial design to explore the individual and combined effects of ...
    Data Collection
  8. ReiherGroup/NEAR: Release 1.0.0 

    Husistein, Raphael T.; Reiher, Markus; Eckhoff, Marco (2024)
    Initial relase of near_score:
  9. Data for "Protease-activated receptor signalling initiates α5β1-integrin-mediated adhesion in non-haematopoietic cells" 

    Spoerri, Patrizia M.; Strohmeyer, Nico; Sun, Zhiqi; et al. (2024)
    Haematopoietic cells and platelets employ G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to sense extracellular information and respond by initiating integrin-mediated adhesion. So far, such processes have not been demonstrated in non-haematopoietic cells. Here, we report that the activation of protease-activated receptors PAR1 and PAR2 induce multiple signalling pathways to establish α5β1-integrin-mediated adhesion. First, PARs signal via Gβγ and ...
    Data Collection
  10. Engineered Biomimetic Fibrillar Fibronectin Matrices Regulate Cell Adhesion Initiation, Migration, and Proliferation via α5β1 Integrin and Syndecan‐4 Crosstalk 

    Ahn, Seungkuk; Sharma, Upnishad; Kasuba, Krishna Chaitanya; et al. (2023)
    Cells regulate adhesion to the fibrillar extracellular matrix (ECM) of which fibronectin is an essential component. However, most studies characterize cell adhesion to globular fibronectin substrates at time scales long after cells polarize and migrate. To overcome this limitation, a simple and scalable method to engineer biomimetic 3D fibrillar fibronectin matrices is introduced and how they are sensed by fibroblasts from the onset of ...
    Data Collection
  11. FARMIND Synthesis 

    Huber, Robert; Kreft, Cordelia Sophie; Späti, Karin (2024)
    Behavioral factors have been identified to determine farmers' uptake of the adoption of sustainable farming practices. However, the coherent consideration of empirically identified behavioral factors in ex-ante model-based policy assessments is still rare. This study presents an agent-based modelling framework that integrates empirical data on farmers' cognitive, social, and dispositional characteristics. Using this framework, we test and ...
  12. Pulse Shaping Strategies for Efficient Switching of Magnetic Tunnel Junctions by Spin-Orbit Torque 

    Hoffmann, Marco; Krizakova, Viola; Kateel, Vaishnavi; et al. (2024)
  13. INTERSECTIONS Grey Literature Review Dataset: Intersections between Cultures, Practices and Policy in IDR/TDR 

    Schaltegger, Anne-Sophie; Linley, Rachel; Brombach, Lisa; et al. (2024)

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