Recent Submissions 

  1. Overnight changes in performance fatigability and their relationship to modulated deep sleep oscillations via auditory stimulation - Dataset 

    Carro-Domínguez, Manuel; Lustenberger, Caroline; Lustenberger, Caroline (2024)
    Deep sleep oscillations are proposed to be central in restoring brain function and to affect different aspects of motor performance such as facilitating the consolidation of motor sequences resulting in faster and more accurate sequence tapping. Yet, whether deep sleep modulates performance fatigability during fatiguing tasks remains unexplored. We investigated overnight changes in tapping speed and resistance against performance fatigability ...
  2. PRED18: Predator/Prey DAVIS Dataset 

    Moeys, Diederik P.; Delbrück, Tobias (2024)
    Dataset contains recordings from a DAVIS240 camera mounted on a computer-controlled robot (the predator) that chases and attempts to capture another human-controlled robot (the prey).
  3. Supporting data for Field validation of the superelevation method for debris-flow velocity estimation using high-resolution lidar and UAV data 

    Åberg, Amanda; Aaron, Jordan (2024)
    Dataset from a debris-flow event taking place in Illgraben, Valais, Switzerland, on 5 June 2022. The dataset contains lidar point clouds and various variables derived thereof (surface velocity, interpolated flow surface, radius of curvature, and superelevation). The dataset also contains orthophotos and digital elevation models from before and after analysed events from the 2022 and 2023 debris flow seasons in Illgraben, as well as variables ...
  4. Freshwater microalgae as a strategy for methane mitigation in ruminant animals: a pilot study in rumen fermentation 

    Li, Yang; Bagnoud-Velasquez, Mariluz; Zhang, Yixin; et al. (2024)
    Agriculture is at the pivot point between anthroposphere, biosphere and atmosphere. Innovative solutions are needed to reduce agricultural emissions and improve sustainability. Microalgae animal feed could be such a solution. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of 10 freshwater microalgae - Auxenochlorella protothecoides, Chlamydomonas pulvinate, Chlorella luteoviridis, Chlorella variabilis, Euglena mutabilis, Parachlorella kessleri, ...
  5. Dataset for the article: "3D Dataset Generation Using Virtual Reality for Forest Biodiversity" 

    Fol, Cyprien R.; Shi, Nianfang; Murtiyoso, Arnadi; et al. (2024)
  6. DHP19: Dynamic Vision Sensor 3D Human Pose Dataset 

    Calabrese, Enrico; Taverni, Gemma; Awai Easthope, Chris; et al. (2024)
    Human pose estimation has dramatically improved thanks to the continuous developments in deep learning. However, marker-free human pose estimation based on standard frame-based cameras is still slow and power hungry for real-time feedback interaction because of the huge number of operations necessary for large Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) inference. Event-based cameras such as the Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) quickly output sparse ...
  7. Raw meteorological measurements from the Arctic century expedition in August/September 2021 

    Makhotin, Mikhail; Thurnherr, Iris (2024)
    This data set contains raw meteorological observations from the Arctic century expedition on the R/V Akademik Tryoshnikov in August and September 2021 in the Barents, Laptev and Kara Sea. A Vaisala MAWS240 meteorological station measured air temperature, relative humidity, dew point temperature and air pressure at a temporal resolution of 30sec and wind speed and wind direction at 3sec resolution. Measurements were conducted on starboard ...
  8. Publication counts for Swiss Higher Education Institutions in five bibliometric databases (2012-2022) 

    Koch, Michelle; Dederke, Julian; Willemin, Simon (2024)
    The dataset contains supplementary information for the publication "Swiss Higher Education Institutions in five bibliometric databases" published in the journal "Qualität in der Wissenschaft". It contains publication counts for Swiss Higher Education Institutions in the five bibliometric databases Dimensions, Scopus, Web of Science, OpenAIRE, and OpenAlex. It also contains detailed documentation about data retrieval, charts presented in ...

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