Recent Submissions 

  1. Measuring distances in protein-RNA complexes 

    Sarnowski, Chris P.; Leitner, Alexander (2024)
  2. Robust Nonlinear Optimal Control via System Level Synthesis 

    Leeman, Antoine (2024)
    Matlab implementation of the paper "Robust Nonlinear Optimal Control via System Level Synthesis"
  3. PICKAPEP: An Application for Parameter Calculation and Visualization of Cyclized and Modified Peptidomimetics 

    Erckes, Vanessa; Hilleke, Mattis; Isert, Clemens; et al. (2024)
  4. qcscine/swoose: Release 2.0.0 

    Brunken, Christoph; Csizi, Katja-Sophia; Steiner, Miguel; et al. (2024)
    Changes: - enable electrostatic embedding QM/MM with Turbomole and xtb as QM calculators - interface to any SCINE calculator for QM - automated construction of QM regions around multiple QM region center atoms - identify critical failed calculations for a parametrization as debug information - semi-automated processing of molecular input structures (ASAP) - Python bindings for SFAM parametrization and QM region selection objects ...
  5. ReiherGroup/CoRe_optimizer: Release 1.1.0 

    Eckhoff, Marco; Reiher, Markus (2024)
    Parameter frozen defines p_frozen instead of n_frozen
  6. qcscine/autocas: Release 2.3.0 

    Bensberg, Moritz; Mörchen, Maximilian; Stein, Christopher J.; et al. (2024)
    Changes: Fixed a typo in the Serenity interface. Updated default orbital mapping approach in and added an option to always exclude core orbitals from the active space if they cannot be mapped consistently.
  7. Extrudion: Python Package for Tensile Testing Analysis 

    Azzari, Paride (2024)
  8. Stability Certificates for Receding Horizon Games 

    Hall, Sophie (2024)
    Game-theoretic MPC (or Receding Horizon Games) is an emerging control methodology for multi-agent systems that generates control actions by solving a dynamic game with coupling constraints in a receding-horizon fashion. This control paradigm has recently received an increasing attention in various application fields, including robotics, autonomous driving, traffic networks, and energy grids, due to its ability to model the competitive ...
  9. Software reproducing the results in "Nonlinear stability of complex droop control in converter-based power systems" 

    He, Xiuqiang (2024)
    The models reproduce the results in the paper "Nonlinear stability of complex droop control in converter-based power systems", X He, V Häberle, I Subotić, F Dörfler, IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023.
  10. Fast System Level Synthesis: Robust Model Predictive Control using Riccati Recursions 

    Leeman, Antoine (2024)
    Matlab implementation of the paper "Fast System Level Synthesis: Robust Model Predictive Control using Riccati Recursions"
  11. ZenHammer: Rowhammer Attacks on AMD Zen-based Platforms 

    Jattke, Patrick; Wipfli, Max; Solt, Flavien; et al. (2024)
  12. qcscine/qcmaquis: Release 3.1.4 

    Baiardi, Alberto; Battaglia, Stefano; Feldmann, Robin; et al. (2024)
    Fix compilation error from newer compilers due to missing include statements
  13. Software for examples of "Peak Time-Windowed Mean Estimation using Convex Optimization" 

    Miller, Jared Franklin; Schmid, Niklas; Tacchi, Matteo; et al. (2024)

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