Recent Submissions 

  1. User-centric Data Traffic Engineering with Karma 

    Zeng, Peiyu (2023)
    Imagine this: you are hosting a movie night with friends, but the video keeps buffering due to limited bandwidth. You may consider purchasing a high-speed bundle, but prioritizing Internet access based on monetary payment can undermine Net Neutrality. To date, there are no known fair means to elicit truthful demand information, leading to a polarization of existing bandwidth allocation schemes that either assume truthfulness or are fully ...
    Student Paper
  2. Noise reduction in absorption imaging for quantum gases experiments 

    Montalti, Nicolò (2024)
    In many experiments with quantum gases, the information about the final state of the system is extracted by the density profile of the cloud. One of the most common techniques used to image the cloud is absorption imaging, which is limited by various kinds of noise. One of the main sources of noise is the presence of fringes that originates from vibrations in the experiment. In our case, the problem is increased by the presence of an ...
    Student Paper
  3. Long range order for random field Ising model 

    Verhoeven, Laury Asmaa (2024)
    We study existence of long range order in the random field Ising model. We define the classical Ising model and use the so-called Griffiths--Peierls argument to prove existence of long range order for low temperatures, in dimension two and above. Then, we introduce the random field Ising model. We proceed as in J. Ding and Z. Zhuang recent work in \cite{dingzhuang} to extend Peierls argument and show that long range order also exists in ...
    Student Paper
  4. Multi-Karma Economies 

    Oberlin, Patrick (2024)
    Limited public resources include fast lanes on highways, parking spots at high-interest locations near a city center, and access to EV charging stations during peak hours. Elokda et al. proposed karma economies as a non-monetary approach to an effective allocation of such resources and demonstrated an improvement of discomfort cost for all participants with respect to classic solutions. However, so far only single-resource economies have ...
    Student Paper
  5. Integrating FPGA-Based Signal Generation Hardware into Experiment Control System 

    Bugnon, Cédric; Lazzaroni, Lorenzo (2024)
    Student Paper
  6. The Establishment of an Absorbent Hygiene Product Waste Collection System in Two Informal Settlements in South Africa 

    Huber, Dominik (2024)
    Absorbent hygiene products (AHPs), including nappies, sanitary pads, and tampons, have become essential personal hygiene products. In South Africa, most AHP waste is landfilled, however in informal settlements, where waste collection is insufficient, they are frequently dumped within the open environment. The purpose of this study is assess the feasibility of an AHP waste collection system within two informal settlements, Johanna Road and ...
    Student Paper
  7. Mapping embedded process matrices to spacetime games 

    Pauschitz, Florian (2023)
    In 1935 Einstein first stated that quantum theory, as we know it, is an in- complete theory. In fact, quantum theory, as given by the Born rule, has an inherently random component, restricting it to providing probabilities for a cer- tain measurement outcome rather than specific predictions of outcomes. We explore a new approach that aims to lift this restriction with the help of game theory. It has been shown that Nashian game theory ...
    Student Paper
  8. WETZI(CO)3N 

    Jiang, Muyang; Kalberer, Martin; Krembel, Ruth; et al. (2023)
    Student Paper
  9. Multiple Centres for Wetzikon 

    Huser, Andreas; Egger, Christian; Urech, Philip; et al. (2023)
    The task of Interdisciplinary Project Activity 2023 is to develop a test planning for future development of Wetzikon under diverse societal requirements. Wetzikon was among the fastest growing municipalities in Switzerland. The canton of Zurich defines Wetzikon as a centre of regional importance. Therefore, further population growth is predicted. The situation analysis of Wetzikon results in the following challenges. Current public ...
    Student Paper
  10. Enhance Wetzikon - A concept for the future development 

    Bigler, Micha; Chen, Zixuan; Grüniger, Fabian; et al. (2023)
    Student Paper
  11. Wetzikon 2050: Eine Stadt für Jung und Alt 

    Buring, Simon; Caluori, Iva; Rieder, Tobias; et al. (2023)
    Student Paper
  12. Wetzikon 2050 

    Bucher, Harriet; Helg, Viviana; König, Yosef; et al. (2023)
    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich im Rahmen der Inter- disziplinären Projektarbeit IPA 2023 mit der Entwick- lung der Gemeinde Wetzikon im Zürcher Oberland bis zum Jahr 2050. Durch eine Situationsanalyse über Bev- ölkerung, Siedlungsstruktur, Verkehr, Infrastruktur und Landschaft wird deutlich, dass in Wetzikon eine Spal- tung zwischen der historischen Identität als Dorf und der heutigen Situation als wachsende Stadt besteht. Mit dem Wachstum ...
    Student Paper
  13. Wetzikon 4 Wetzikon 

    Ballestrazzi, David; Blaser, Fiona; Vescovo, Jacopo; et al. (2023)
    Wetzikon for Wetzikon is the core of our vision for a sustainable, balanced and attractive future for this now 26‘000 inhabitants city in the Zürcher Oberland. This report proposes a possible future for the Wetzikon of 2060 with 40‘000 residents, a Wetzikon for the people living in Wetzikon. Population growth and the growing economic strength of the greater Zurich area will put pressure on the municipality, challenging it to keep up with ...
    Student Paper
  14. Ersatzneubauten bei Siedlungen der Nachkriegszeit: Verdichtung oder Verdrängung? 

    Büttiker, Dominic (2024)
    Günstiger Wohnraum in urbanen Gemeinden wird rar. In den betroffenen Regionen führt das zu sozialer Segregation. Insbesondere vulnerable Bevölkerungsgruppen müssen zen- trumsnahe Gebiete verlassen. Neben Wohnungen in genossenschaftlichem und staatlichem Eigentum, ist insbesondere wenig und unsanierter Wohnraum günstig. Das trifft oft auf den Siedlungsbestand der Nachkriegsjahre (Baujahr 1945-1960) zu. Diese Arbeit zeigt auf, wo und wie ...
    Student Paper
  15. Servo-based mirror motor 

    Lempereur, Stephan (2023)
    Student Paper
  16. Generalizable User-Specific Mobility Representation Learning Using Autoencoders 

    Wicki, Juliette (2024)
    Addressing the demand for sustainable travel solutions, Axon Vibe leverages a smartphone-based platform to predict commuters’ travel patterns and encourage eco-friendly alternatives. Understanding the pivotal factors shaping individual travel trajectories stands as a key pursuit for the company. This project focuses on extracting these critical factors and reconstructing travel patterns by employing an Autoencoder (AE) architecture, ...
    Student Paper
  17. Learning how to see development faithfully from another’s point of view 

    Kinell, Sara (2024)
    How might we faithfully study power relationships and how they construct the development of technology in the (post)colonial world? In this essay, I first discuss visions of the development episteme, then how these visions are operationalized through international organizations and development aid, and finally suggest an analytical approach that may help us scrutinize and decompose hegemonic narratives that are used to justify these visions ...
    Student Paper
  18. Data Visualization of Switzerland’s Research and Education Network 

    Englert, Simon; Wechsler, Leonard (2023)
    This thesis aims to answer two challenging questions: First, what part of network traffic and power data is worth showing? Second, in which way can it be visualized best? As an use case we decided to combine two independent data sources. On the one hand we analyze traffic and energy consumption data of Switzerland’s National Research and Education Network. On the other hand we use carbon dioxide emission and actionable electricity data. ...
    Student Paper
  19. Wald und Nutzungsplanung 

    Bolgè, Roberto (2022)
    Wald und Raumplanung können je nach Situation sehr eng miteinander verknüpft sein, bleiben aber aufgrund des gesetzlichen Rahmens ausgesprochen getrennt. Die Ansprüche, die heute an den Wald gestellt werden, sowie der Bedarf an Raumnutzung, führen dazu, dass der Wald in den Nutzungsplänen nicht mehr nur als eigenständige weisse Fläche betrachtet werden kann. Neue und zunehmend miteinander verknüpfte Interessen machen einen aktiven Dialog ...
    Student Paper

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