Particle contribution to singlet oxygen photoproduction from organic matter
(2012)Conference Poster -
Above 20-Ghz modulation of room-temperature mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers
(2014)Conference Poster -
Help, I need somebody! Career transition support analyzed at network and alteri levels
(2012)Conference Poster -
Plant-induced chemical properties in the rhizosphere of Fagus sylvatica seedings depending on soil P speciation and tree provenance
(2015)Ecosystem Nutrition 2015: Status Workshop and Meeting. Program and AbstractsConference Poster -
Silicate melt inclusion study in peridotite xenoliths from Pannonian Basin, Hungary
(2007)ECROFI-XIX : 19th Biennial Conference, 17-20 July, 2007, programme and abstracts volumeConference Poster -
Review and evaluation of design approaches for glued-in rods in east and west Europe
(2018)Proceedings of the 2018 World Conference on Timber EngineeringConference Poster -
Energieeffiziente Produktion und Nachbehandlungvon Wasserstoff für Power-to-Gas Anwendungen
(2016)Conference Poster -