Recent Submissions 

  1. Cultural studies of collaborative science and technology 

    Vienni Baptista, Bianca (2024)
    Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series ~ Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity
    A cultural approach to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research focuses on how these modes of research can more effectively address scientific and societal challenges. Worldwide, multidimensional challenges, such as the pandemic, climate change or migration crises, urgently call for more collaborative research that can help in transforming social reality. However, many factors still act as obstacles to high-impact research, resulting ...
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  2. Institutionalising 

    Vienni Baptista, Bianca (2024)
    Elgar Encyclopedias in the Social Sciences series ~ Elgar Encyclopedia of Interdisciplinarity and Transdisciplinarity
    Increased interest in interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity has heightened calls for institutionalising structures and strategies that cross boundaries of expertise both within and beyond the academy. A multitude of strategies and models of change emerged along different subthemes: spanning different historical and geographical contexts, temporal and spatial organization of research and teaching, degrees of change from modifications ...
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  3. Bioturbation—Physical processes 

    Ruiz, Siul; Hallett, Paul D.; Or, Dani (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
    Bioturbation is the physical movement of soil by fauna or plant roots. The primary goal of bioturbation is for organisms to access resources in soil such as food, plant nutrients and water. Bioturbation includes soil translocation by burrowing and ingestion, soil deformation by organism expansion, and soil stabilization by compounds secreted by organisms and their tissue. These processes are extremely important to the formation of soil ...
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  4. Water evaporation from bare soil 

    Lehmann Grunder, Peter Ulrich (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
    Evaporation of water emitted from soil surfaces is a key process of the hydrologic cycle and the surface energy balance. It can be limited by the solar energy to vaporize water, the amount of precipitation, the soil hydraulic properties and surface characteristics (albedo, roughness, and presence of residues). Evaporation rates are large for wet soil surfaces with high atmospheric demand (controlled by energy, vapor pressure deficit, and ...
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  5. Scattering, inelastic: Electron 

    Vvedensky, Dimitri D.; Erbudak, Mehmet (2024)
    Encyclopedia of Condensed Matter Physics
    An interaction event between an electron and a target material is called inelastic if the electron loses some or all of its energy. The general theory of the inelastic scattering cross-section is first developed before being specialized to interband transitions, plasmon excitations, vibrations at surfaces, core-electron excitations, and (e−, 2e−) scattering. Examples are provided to illustrate how the elementary excitations of each method ...
    Encyclopedia Entry
  6. Graphentheorie 

    Brandes, Ulrik (2024)
    Netzwerkforschung ~ Handbuch Netzwerkforschung
    Durch die Repräsentation von Netzwerkdaten als Graphen wird eine Vielzahl mathematischer Einsichten und Methoden erschlossen. In diesem Beitrag werden grundlegende Konzepte und Begrifflichkeiten vorgestellt und durch Überlegungen zur Modellierung kontextualisiert.
    Encyclopedia Entry
  7. Correlative Multimodal Imaging for Multiscale Analysis of Complex Biological Systems: Validation Methods and Performance Analysis 

    Correia Marques, Francisco; Wehrle, Esther; Müller, Ralph (2023)
    Reference Series in Biomedical Engineering ~ Bioimaging in Tissue Engineering and Regeneration
    Encyclopedia Entry
  8. A Diversity of Primary Producers in Lakes 

    Pomati, Francesco; Reyes, Marta; Narwani, Anita; et al. (2022)
    Encyclopedia of Inland Waters
    Aim: We present the current state of knowledge with regards to the biodiversity of phytoplankton in lakes. We introduce the main concepts of biodiversity and review the mechanisms regulating phytoplankton diversity at local and regional scales. We also list the main methods to study phytoplankton diversity and offer a set of case studies for further reading. Main concepts: What is biodiversity at the local and regional scale (taxonomic, ...
    Encyclopedia Entry
  9. Screaming Channels 

    Camurati, Giovanni; Francillon, Aurelien (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy
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  10. Energy redistribution in reacting systems 

    Marquardt, Roberto; Quack, Martin (2001)
    Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. Volume 1: Fundamentals
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  11. Neurophysiological Correlates of Learning to Dance 

    Cross, Emily S.; Ramsey, Richard (2012)
    Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning
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  12. The use of stable isotopes in soil science: Low atomic number elements 

    Pistocchi, Chiara; Bertrand, Isabelle; Kantnerova, Kristyna; et al. (2023)
    Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
    In this chapter, we focus on low atomic mass stable isotopes that are widely used in soil and environmental studies. These include carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and sulfur (S). We elucidate how such stable isotopes are used to infer processes, estimate mean residence time of an element in an environmental compartment, and identify sources or relative contribution to a pool. In addition, we describe the basis of the most widespread ...
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  13. Irregular Migration and the City 

    Kaufmann, David; Walz, Mala (2023)
    Oxford Bibliographies Online: Urban Studies
    Irregular migrants tend to live in cities. Cities offer to irregular migrants anonymity, opportunities to find a job and other ways to make a living, different forms of accommodation, and access to potentially existing relational, ethnic, social, or cultural networks. Irregular migration can therefore also be understood as an urban phenomenon. The urban aspects of irregular migration are the focus of this bibliography. We discuss the ...
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  14. Pharmacotherapy for Cocaine Use Disorders 

    Quednow, Boris B.; Engeli, Etna J.E.; Herdener, Marcus (2022)
    Cocaine is one of the most commonly used substances worldwide. It has a strong addictive potential, which often leads to excessive consumption causing pronounced physical and psychological harm to users. There is currently no approved or effective medication to treat cocaine use disorders. However, in the last decades, significant efforts have been made to identify medications that could increase the effectiveness of treatments, with ...
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  15. Glycogen and Starch 

    Roach, Peter J.; Zeeman, Samuel C. (2016)
    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology Second Edition
    Glycogen and starch are the two major storage forms of glucose in nature. Both are large glucose polymers formed by α-1, 4-glycosidic linkages with branch points introduced by α-1, 6-glycosidic linkages. Both are synthesized when conditions are nutritionally or energetically favorable for later use. The structures of glycogen and starch differ greatly. Glycogen has uniform branching, a minimal number of enzymes mediating its metabolism, ...
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  16. Eukaryotic Ribosome Assembly, Quality Control and Export 

    Panse, Vikram G.; Weirich, Christine S.; Oborská-Oplová, Michaela (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology Second Edition
    Eukaryotic ribosome assembly spans three cellular compartments and requires the concerted action of three RNA polymerases, the splicing and nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery. This process also requires >200 transiently interacting factors including a range of energy-consuming enzymes and RNA-binding scaffolds, that perform both assembly and proofreading functions. Although the detailed mechanisms of ribosome formation have not yet ...
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  17. Cilia and Flagella 

    Pedersen, Lotte B.; Jurisch-Yaksi, Nathalie; Schmid, Fabian; et al. (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology Second Edition
    Cilia and flagella are microtubule-based, rod-shaped organelles present on the surface of a variety of eukaryotic cells. They function in cell locomotion, flow of extracellular fluid across cell surfaces as well as in detection, transmission and integration of signals from the cellular surroundings. In vertebrates, cilia are critical for regulating developmental processes and tissue homeostasis. Consequently, genetic defects that impair ...
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  18. OMICS – Mass Spectrometry-Based Proteomics in Systems Biology Research 

    Blattmann, Peter; Aebersold, Rudolf (2023)
    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology Second Edition
    Mass spectrometry-based proteomics has already contributed greatly to systems biology studies and its role in systems biology research is likely to grow in the next few years. Its unique capability of quantifying proteins and protein modifications at large scale and throughput make it a prime technology in systems biology studies, specifically those focused on complex biological processes and diseases. In this article, we first introduce ...
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  19. Single-Cell Interrogation of the Immune System Using Microtools 

    Albayrak, Cem; Tay, Savaş (2016)
    Encyclopedia of Cell Biology Second Edition
    Immune cells mount their biological response and protect the host from pathogens by secreting bioactive molecules, communicating with other cells directly or via secreted agents, and migrating under flow or chemotactic gradients. This article summarizes recent advances in microfluidic technology and highlights examples of microtools used in studying the mentioned aspects of the immune response (i.e., secretion, migration, and intercellular ...
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  20. Food insecurity and poverty 

    Harttgen, Kenneth; Seiler, Johannes (2023)
    Elgar Handbooks in Development ~ Research Handbook on Measuring Poverty and Deprivation
    Despite rapid economic growth and poverty reduction within the last three decades, food insecurity still afflicts about two billion people worldwide. As a result, food insecurity is one of the top priorities for governments in many countries, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries highlighted by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Poverty is a direct cause of food insecurity. At the same time, food insecurity leads ...
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