Recent Submissions 

  1. Rezension zu: Georg Kreis, Blicke auf die koloniale Schweiz. Ein Forschungsbericht 

    Blaser, Claire Louise (2024)
    Didactica Historica
    Book Review
  2. Pleidooi voor zachtmoedige verbeeldingskracht 

    Teerds, Hans (2024)
    de Architect
    Review of Violette Schönberger, Paradijs van Imperfectie (Rotterdam: nai010, 2024)
    Book Review
  3. Stefan Höppner: Goethes Bibliothek. Eine Sammlung und ihre Geschichte Frankfurt/Main: Klostermann 2022 Martina Schönbächler 

    Schönbächler, Martina (2024)
    Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie
    Das im Untertitel enthaltene Versprechen, sowohl den aktuellen Zustand von „Goethes Bibliothek“ zu beschreiben als auch ihre historische Entwicklung zu verfolgen, löst Stefan Höppners substanzielles Buch umfassend ein. Die lange Desiderat gebliebene Gesamtschau auf seinen komplexen Gegenstand leistet Höppner in zwei voneinander unabhängig rezipierbaren Teilen, von denen der erste die Geschichte des Bestands provenienz‑, literatur- und ...
    Book Review
  4. Counterfeit goods and organized crime: an intractable problem 

    Gösken, Christophe (2024)
    Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice
    Book Review
  5. Csaba Moldicz, Geopolitics in Central Europe: Superpower Competition and Regional Dynamics, Bloomsbury, 2023 

    Grgić, Gorana (2024)
    An exploration into the contemporary geopolitical and geoeconomic dynamics of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has been a long-awaited addition to the academic literature and an ambitious feat, which Csaba Moldicz recognizes. The main contribution of Geopolitics in Central Europe is that it acts as a catalyst for a deeper examination and critical discourse on the geopolitical complexities faced by CEE in its relationships with major global ...
    Book Review
  6. Effecting change in ecology 

    Alexander, Jake M. (2024)
    Trends in Ecology & Evolution
    Book Review
  7. Crises of European integration. Joining together or falling apart? 

    Schimmelfennig, Frank (2024)
    Journal of Contemporary European Studies
    Book Review
  8. The Dark Tangle of Alzheimer’s 

    de Souza, Natalie (2024)
    The New York Review of Books
    Book Review
  9. The Political Economy of Personalized Law: Comment on Omri Ben-Shahar’s and Ariel Porat’s book “Personalized Law” 

    Stremitzer, Alexander (2024)
    Jerusalem Review of Legal Studies
    Book Review
  10. The African Projects of Pier Luigi Nervi's engineering office 

    Boller, Giulia (2024)
    Architectural Histories
    Micaela Antonucci and Gabriele Neri's book offers the first overview of the projects that Pier Luigi Nervi's Italian engineering office designed for and built in postcolonial African countries between 1964 and 1980. Through a detailed description of major works, the text shows how the "Nervi system" gradually became a stylistic language that no longer addressed the relationship between architectural and structural forms, a relationship ...
    Book Review
  11. Against the Commons. A Radical History of Urban Planning 

    Bathla, Nitin (2024)
    Planning Theory
    Book Review
  12. After suburbia: Urbanization in the twenty-first century, edited by Roger Keil and Fulong Wu 

    Bathla, Nitin (2024)
    Journal of Urban Affairs
    Book Review
  13. Christine Globig (2021) Realitäten der Abhängigkeit. Fürsorge als ethisches Paradigma 

    Chilian, Lea; Horvath, Tabea (2024)
    Ethik in der Medizin
    Book Review
  14. Lively Cities – an intricate understanding of urban life 

    Just, Johanna Franziska (2024)
    Urban Geography
    Book Review
  15. Lively cities: a review in the minor key 

    Bathla, Nitin (2024)
    Urban Geography
    Book Review
  16. Basile Baudez, Inessential Colors. Architecture on Paper in Early Modern Europe 

    Delbeke, Maarten (2023)
    H-France Review
    Book Review
  17. The Case Against Death, written by Ingemar Patrick Linden 

    Lucas, Daniel (2024)
    Journal of Moral Philosophy
    Book Review

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