Neueste Zugänge 

  1. Principled DRAM Security against Rowhammer Attacks 

    Marazzi, Michele (2024)
    The security of a system is fractioned into the guarantees of the multiple hardware devices that it relies on. DRAM is pivotal to today’s systems, yet its guarantees against sophisticated Rowhammer attacks are uncertain and undisclosed. Instead, the industry’s answer to Rowhammer has been security-by-obscurity, quickly proven to be a failure by researchers. It is therefore unclear if, differently from these results, in-DRAM mitigations ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  2. Investigating the population dynamics of phyllosphere bacteria using a novel tagging system 

    Daniel, Benjamin (2024)
    Bacteria are ubiquitous, colonizing a vast array of habitats, forming complex communities, called microbiomes. Some of these microbiomes are associated with living hosts, which can be any organism larger than the bacteria themselves, from single-celled algae over animals to plants. Such host-associated microbiomes are now widely recognized to affect host fitness in a range of ways that can be classified into three main categories of ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  3. Seismology on Mars: Analysis of Body Waves with Implications for Interior Structure 

    Duran, Andrea Cecilia (2024)
    Mars has been a subject of significant scientific interest for centuries but it remains largely unknown compared to Earth. Despite notable differences in characteristics such as size, the absence of a global magnetic field, tectonic plate activity, and active volcanoes, both planets share a similar interior structure, predominantly composed of a solid silicate rock crust and a mantle encasing an iron core. Yet, without comprehensive ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  4. Towards Trustworwhy Machine Learning using Unlabeled Data 

    Tifrea, Alexandru (2024)
    Doctoral Thesis
  5. On possibilities and impossibilities for causal inference with observational data 

    Schultheiss, Christoph Oliver (2024)
    Doctoral Thesis
  6. Water transfer between the gas phase and a single aerosol droplet 

    Gleichweit, Michael (2024)
    Aerosol particles and droplets are constantly interacting with water vapour in our atmosphere. Intuitive examples are the formation of clouds, haze or fog, but this interaction also has far-reaching implications on the microscopic scale. Very small aqueous droplets can have a significant impact on the Earth's climate, but they also have various technical or pharmaceutical applications. The goal of this thesis is to gain a fundamental ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  7. Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Plasma-Pulse Geo-Drilling Technology 

    Ezzat, Mohamed (2024)
    The economic feasibility of harnessing deep-geothermal energy (i.e., 5 km or more) via Enhanced or Advanced Geothermal Systems is conditional on reducing the drilling costs significantly, which is unachievable using conventional mechanical rotary drilling. A game changer could lie among frictionless or contactless drilling technologies, including Plasma-Pulse Geo-Drilling (PPGD). PPGD uses microsecond-long highvoltage pulses to fracture ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  8. Tunable Plasmonic Molecular Junctions in Gold Nanoparticle Superlattices 

    Lu, Bin (2024)
    Under electromagnetic excitation, the free electrons in metallic nanoparticles can oscillate collectively, supporting localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). This resonance behaviour allows individual nanoparticles to collect light from a region larger than its physical size and confine the electromagnetic field to subwavelength dimensions. The plasmonic capacitive coupling between adjacent nanoparticles can promote such ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  9. New Approaches in the Study and Application of Ribosomal Peptide Natural Products 

    Richter, Daniel Uwe (2024)
    Natural products are molecules from nature that increase the fitness of living organisms but are not strictly required for survival. Additionally, natural products are frequently used as medicinal drugs due to their intrinsically favorable properties for binding, inhibiting, or activating pharmaceutically relevant targets. Recent technological advances have renewed the interest in the discovery and application of natural products, ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  10. High-permittivity silicone elastomers for soft transducers 

    von Szczepanski, Johannes (2024)
    Doctoral Thesis
  11. Measuring behaviors in songbird groups 

    Rüttimann, Linus (2024)
    To truly comprehend the brain's complexity, we must closely examine behavior in real-world settings. Neuroscience has traditionally focused on studying behavior in controlled lab environments, but this approach may not fully capture the brain's natural workings. By observing behavior in more natural contexts, we can gain valuable insights into brain function and understand it on a higher, computational level. This top-down approach can ...
    Doctoral Thesis
  12. 3D PRINTING ARCHITECTURE - Open Framework for Binder Jetting in Construction 

    Odaglia, Pietro (2024)
    The construction sector stands at a critical juncture, facing the dual challenges of increasing productivity and reducing environmental impact. Over the next 30 years, the world’s building stock is anticipated to double in response to the growing urban population, while the industry is also expected to achieve "net-zero carbon" within the same timeframe. The strategies to address these challenges will significantly affect global sustainability ...
    Doctoral Thesis

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