Recent Submissions 

  1. Editorial for the Special Issue on the 2022 Medical Imaging with Deep Learning Conference 

    Albarqouni, Shadi; Baumgartner, Christian; Dou, Qi; et al. (2024)
    Medical Image Analysis
    Other Conference Item
  2. Effect of the differences between available DEMs on high-precision geoid modelling in the region of CERN 

    Koch, Julia Azumi; Soja, Benedikt; Rothacher, Markus (2024)
    GGHS 2024. Book of Abstracts
    Other Conference Item
  3. Assessing the influence of bike lane allocation on network traffic performance using microsimulation 

    Fulton, Ellen; Ni, Ying-Chuan; Kouvelas, Anastasios (2024)
    To foster a sustainable urban transport system, allocating road space to slow modes, e.g., bicycles, pedelecs, scooters, and cargo-bikes, etc., is considered an effective strategy to reduce car usage. However, the concern of car traffic congestion caused by the reduced capacity available for drivers hinders the policy-making process toward a cycling-friendly environment. In this work, we first assess the impact of a large-scale bike lane ...
    Other Conference Item
  4. OD-Vis: A Map-based Dashboard for Insight Discovery of OD Data 

    Zuo, Chenyu; Balac, Milos; Grübel, Jascha; et al. (2024)
    Abstracts of the ICA
    Other Conference Item
  5. How will an E-Bike City change our accessibility? 

    Ballo, Lukas; Sallard, Aurore; Meyer de Freitas, Lucas; et al. (2024)
    Several decades of infrastructure investments in the global north have produced unprecedented accessibility gains, fueling the productivity of modern economies and providing us with choices none of the previous generations had. Now, these benefits are at risk, as there are no robust solutions for reconciling our present traffic patterns with actions against climate change. As possible alternatives, in recent years scholars proposed multiple ...
    Other Conference Item
  6. Incorporating discrete route choice models into agent-based simulations 

    Meister, Adrian; Balac, Milos; Axhausen, Kay W.; et al. (2024)
    This paper presents the integration of explicit discrete route choice models into the agentbased simulation framework MATSim, as an example. It represents an obvious research direction, which to the best of the authors’ knowledge has not yet been presented for any other agent-based transport simulation framework. Discrete route choice models, estimated from stated- or revealed preference data, are backed by years of research and can be ...
    Other Conference Item
  7. Exploring the effects cycling infrastructure improvements in a broader mode-choice experiment 

    Meyer de Freitas, Lucas; Axhausen, Kay W. (2024)
    Stated-preference (SP) mode-choice surveys are the basis for transport models therefore impacting behavioral forecasting, impacts of infrastructures and policies as well as on their evaluations. Typically these models as well as such SP surveys have a focus on public transport and motor vehicles. We intent to include contextual changes in street design in a SP experiment, in which more space is allocated to active mobility, especially ...
    Other Conference Item
  8. Exploring the narrative behind Zurich’s E-Bike City Research project 

    Elliot, Catherine; Wicki, Michael; Egan, Robert; et al. (2024)
    E-Bike City is 3-year research project by the Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). There are nine subprojects using agent-based modeling to determine a realistic Plan B for sustainable urban mobility by 2050. This study explored public perceptions of an online newspaper article explaining the vision of Zurich transitioning to an E-Bike City (EBC). We reviewed 435 comments and found prominent themes including funding, street space ...
    Other Conference Item
  9. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) trifft Informationskompetenz (IK) 

    Welte, Caroline; Künzle, Cornelia Denise; Edinger, Eva-Christina; et al. (2024)
    In drei Schritten werden die Strategien der ETH-Bibliothek rund um das Duo KI und IK (Künstliche Intelligenz und Informationskompetenz) vorgestellt: Informations- und Kursangebot, Vernetzung sowie Organisationsentwicklung.
    Other Conference Item
  10. ArtWalks via Latent Diffusion Models 

    Pennino, Alberto; El Helou, Majed; Vera Nieto, Daniel; et al. (2024)
    ArtWalks presents a creative application of multiple techniques in image and video generation. We explore the creation of a dynamic bridge between between two paintings, seamlessly transitioning between artworks adding motion to static images. We build a two stage generative process, creating both abstract-conceptual interpo lation as well as spatio-temporal interpolation. We first hallucinate intermediate artworks using a generative ...
    Other Conference Item
  11. Sozial-ökologisch nachhaltige Innenentwicklung in urbanen Räumen 

    Kaufmann, David (2024)
    Die heutige Zeit ist geprägt von vielschichtigen Krisen wie dem Klimawandel, endliche Ressourcen und sozialer Ungleichheit. Diese Krisen zeigen sich insbesondere in urbanen Räumen. Transformative Massnahmen werden dringlich und die sollten gleichermassen sozial und ökologisch ausgerichtet sein. In diesem Kontext spielt die Stadtentwicklung und die Wohnbaupolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Konkret geht es in der Schweiz, um eine nachhaltige ...
    Other Conference Item
  12. Formation of a GNSS network in space based on geodetic satellite missions 

    Müller, Lukas; Rothacher, Markus; Soja, Benedikt; et al. (2024)
    Other Conference Item
  13. A 100 W Output Power Coherent Transmission Link for Future High Data Rate Earth-to-Satellite Communication 

    Horst, Yannik; Kulmer, Laurenz; Blatter, Tobias; et al. (2024)
    Technical Digest Series ~ Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) 2024
    An optical coherent transmission link with 100Watt output power is tested for satellite communications. Modulation formats are tested for transmission of the highest data-rates despite of nonlinear amplifier impairments across a linear, low-SNR free-space link.
    Other Conference Item
  14. 800G Transmission at 100W Output Power - Assessing the Feasibility of Optical Satellite Feeder Links 

    Horst, Yannik; Kulmer, Laurenz; Blatter, Tobias; et al. (2024)
    2024 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM)
    We present advancements in free-space optical communication for satellite-ground networks. Using advanced atmospheric-turbulence-mitigation techniques, we tested new modulation formats at low-received optical powers at data rates of up to 1Tbit/s and transmitted output powers of up to 100 Watts across linear, free-space links of up to 53km.
    Other Conference Item
  15. Enhanced Real-time Global Ionospheric Maps using Machine Learning 

    Iten, Marcel; Mao, Shuyin; Soja, Benedikt (2024)
    Other Conference Item
  16. Digital twin of Swiss mobility 

    Balac, Milos (2024)
    Other Conference Item
  17. The Impact of a Refugee Influx on Occupational and Educational Aspirations of German Youth 

    Lickert, Eva; Au Yong Lyn, Audrey (2024)
    Abstract booklet - LELAM International TVET Conference 2024
    This research project investigates how the arrival of primarily unskilled refugees affects the educational and labor market aspirations of the incumbent population. We utilize the allocation of refugees at the district level as a source of variation and leverage data from the German National Educational Panel Study and regional datasets, employing a fixed-effects model to estimate the impact. Our findings contribute to the existing ...
    Other Conference Item
  18. KOSMIC: K-band VLBI Observations with Improved Scheduling and Ionospheric Corrections 

    Soja, Benedikt; de Witt, Aletha; Iten, Marcel; et al. (2024)
    Other Conference Item
  19. Der "Zauberberg" im Thomas-Mann-Archiv der ETH Zürich 

    Amslinger, Tobias (2024)
    Other Conference Item
  20. Monitoring and modelling snow avalanches to innovate road safety management in alpine valleys 

    Ruttner-Jansen, Pia; Glaus, Julia; Wieser, Andreas; et al. (2023)
    Snow avalanches threaten people and infrastructure in alpine regions. Each winter situations occur that require road closures, which have a major impact on the affected people and economy. The decisions on road safety measures are done by local experts, who decide based on information from the avalanche bulletin, weather forecast and most importantly personal experience. Valuable, detailed information about the snow depth distribution, ...
    Other Conference Item

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