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Webinar: Get your writing project started, prevent plagiarism and publish

Join our webinar on 01 October 2024 from 16.00 to 17.15 for tips and tools for a productive doctorate. Read more

Fit in research data management – workshop series in Autumn Semester 2024

Get yourself and your research project in shape with our research data management workshop programme. You can now register for the Autumn Semester 2024 workshops. Read more

Short and sweet: the “RDM Guidelines” for ETH researches explained

In a series of short videos, we explain the most important aspects of the “RDM Guidelines” quickly and easily – for good scientific practice and FAIR data. Read more

Recently Added 

  1. Cataloging natural sialic acids and other nonulosonic acids (NulOs), and their representation using the Symbol Nomenclature for Glycans 

    Lewis, Amanda L.; Toukach, Philip; Bolton, Evan; et al. (2023)
    Nonulosonic acids or non-2-ulosonic acids (NulOs) are an ancient family of 2-ketoaldonic acids (α-ketoaldonic acids) with a 9-carbon backbone. In nature, these monosaccharides occur either in a 3-deoxy form (referred to as “sialic acids”) or in a 3,9-dideoxy “sialic-acid-like” form. The former sialic acids are most common in the deuterostome lineage, including vertebrates, and mimicked by some of their pathogens. The latter sialic-acid-like ...
    Journal Article
  2. Private commercial companies sharing health-relevant consumer data with health researchers in sub-Saharan Africa: an ethical exploration 

    Stuart, Rennie; Sergio, Litewka; Vayena, Effy; et al. (2024)
    Sharing large digital-first datasets, including for purposes for which they were not originally intended, is a hallmark of the "big data revolution". Through their routine operations, private commercial companies collect massive amounts of diverse data from their customers, some of which may interest those working in the public sector, such as health researchers. Researchers and government agencies worldwide have been increasingly using ...
    Journal Article
  3. Innovative air mattress for the prevention of pressure ulcers in neonates 

    Jucker T.A.; Annaheim S.; Morlec E.; et al. (2024)
    Journal of wound care
    OBJECTIVE: Pressure ulcers (PUs) severely impact health outcomes in neonatal intensive care, with up to 28% prevalence and doubled mortality rates. Due to their only partially developed stratum corneum, neonates are highly susceptible to PUs because of a lack of adequate support surfaces. The occipital region of the head and hip are the main risk areas due to immobility and newborn body proportions. The main goal of the study was to ...
    Journal Article
  4. Türkiye'de Bir Devlet Girişimi Olarak Arabuluculuk 

    Seven, Ümit (2024)
    CSS Analyses in Security Policy
    Other Publication
  5. Co-transport of citrate-modified biochar nanoparticles and released plant-available silicon in saturated porous media: Effect of LMWOAs and solution chemistry 

    Liu, Yang; Jiang, Xiaoqian; Zhang, Lixun; et al. (2024)
    Citrate-modified biochar nanoparticles (CBCNPs) represent a promising amendment with plant-available silicon (PASi) releasing capacity. However, the co-transport behavior with released PASi remain poorly understood. This study investigated their co-transport in saturated porous media under various solution chemistry and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs). Experimental and two-site kinetic model results revealed that higher ionic ...
    Journal Article

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