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Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024

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Neueste Publikationen 

  1. Application of a shear cell for the simulation of extrusion to test the structurability of raw materials 

    Sägesser, Corina; Mair, Thomas; Braun, Andre; et al. (2025)
    Food Hydrocolloids
    Journal Article
  2. Phase-field approach for precise fracture tracking in anisotropic rocks: Integrating orthotropy-based energy decomposition and two-fold symmetric fracture toughness 

    Sakha M.; Nagaraja S.; Driesner T. (2024)
    Engineering Fracture Mechanics
    Rock formations are known to exhibit material anisotropy, both in terms of elastic and fracture properties. This means that the fracture path in such formations is not a priori known but rather a complex unknown that requires robust numerical techniques to predict accurately. In this context, the phase-field model is considered particularly effective, provided that certain physical considerations are carefully adjusted to align with the ...
    Journal Article
  3. Current and future cropland suitability for cereal production across the rainfed agricultural landscapes of Ethiopia 

    Wakjira M.T.; Peleg N.; Six J.; et al. (2024)
    Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
    One of the major challenges posed by climate change in agriculture is the alteration in cropland suitability. This alteration has serious consequences for food security and economic stability at global, regional, and local scales, especially in smallholder and rainfed agricultural systems like in Ethiopia. A comprehensive understanding of the current state of croplands and future changes under warming temperatures and increasing rainfall ...
    Journal Article
  4. A multi-stakeholder engagement framework for material-building-city synergy through circular transformation 

    Bostancı, Hafize Büşra; Tanyer, Ali Murat; Habert, Guillaume (2024)
    Sustainable Cities and Society
    Journal Article
  5. Effect of external loads on chloride ingress into concrete: A state-of-the-art review 

    Guo B.; Chu J.; Zhang Z.; et al. (2024)
    Construction and Building Materials
    This study presents a state-of-the-art review on the influence of external loads on chloride ingress into concrete, including compressive, tensile, flexural and fatigue loads. The macro-experimental phenomenon, micro-influence mechanism, analytical models, numerical simulation are critically reviewed, and the further trends are proposed. For compressive stress, there is a critical stress level, below which chloride transport is slowed ...
    Review Article

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