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Webinar: Schreibprojekte starten, Plagiate verhindern und publizieren

Tipps und Tools für einen produktiven Alltag im Doktorat erhalten Sie in unserem Webinar am 01. Oktober 2024 von 16.00 bis 17.15 Uhr. Weiterlesen

Fit im Forschungsdatenmanagement – Workshop-Reihe im Herbstsemester 2024

Machen Sie sich und Ihr Forschungsprojekt fit mit unserem Workshop-Angebot zum Thema Forschungsdatenmanagement. Ab sofort können Sie sich für die Workshops im Herbstsemester 2024 anmelden. Weiterlesen

Neueste Publikationen 

  1. The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on planet Earth 

    Ripple, William J.; Wolf, Christopher; Gregg, Jillian W.; et al. (2024)
    Journal Article
  2. Overcoming the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of high-dimensional semilinear elliptic partial differential equations 

    Beck, Christian; Gonon, Lukas; Jentzen, Arnulf (2024)
    Partial Differential Equations and Applications
    Recently, so-called full-history recursive multilevel Picard (MLP) approximation schemes have been introduced and shown to overcome the curse of dimensionality in the numerical approximation of semilinear parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs) with Lipschitz nonlinearities. The key contribution of this article is to introduce and analyze a new variant of MLP approximation schemes for certain semilinear elliptic PDEs with Lipschitz ...
    Journal Article
  3. The origins of Storm <i>Ciaran</i>: From diabatic Rossby wave to warm-seclusion cyclone with a sting jet 

    Volonte, Ambrogio; Riboldi, Jacopo (2024)
    The evolution of Storm Ciar & aacute;n was different from what is commonly attributed to windstorms affecting northwest Europe. Ciar & aacute;n initially developed as a diabatic Rossby wave, driven by low-level latent heat release and with negligible upper tropospheric forcing. It then crossed the jet stream, intensifying explosively while developing a low-level warm seclusion and producing extreme near-surface winds, including sting jets. ...
    Journal Article
  4. Evaluating optimal reference translations (May, 10.1017/nlp.2024.3, 2024) 

    Zouhar, Vilem; Kloudova, Vera; Popel, Martin; et al. (2024)
    Other Journal Item
  5. Vertex-critical graphs far from edge-criticality 

    Martinsson, Anders; Steiner, Raphael (2024)
    Combinatorics, Probability & Computing
    Let $r$ be any positive integer. We prove that for every sufficiently large $k$ there exists a $k$ -chromatic vertex-critical graph $G$ such that $\chi (G-R)=k$ for every set $R \subseteq E(G)$ with $|R|\le r$ . This partially solves a problem posed by Erd & odblac;s in 1985, who asked whether the above statement holds for $k \ge 4$ .
    Journal Article

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