Figure 1c: Uncooled and feedback cooled spectra of the libration motion The data for Fig. 1c are stored in 'Fig1c.csv'. The 1st column contains the frequency of the uncooled spectrum. The 2nd column contains the power spectral density of the uncooled spectrum. The 3rd column contains the frequency of the feedback cooled spectrum. The 4th colum contains the power spectral density of the feedback cooled spectrum. --- Figure 2: Reheating experiment of the libration motion. Subfigure a: Power spectral density at the start of the reheating cycle. Subfigure b: Power spectral density at the end of the reheating cycle. Subfigure c: Libration energy as a function of time during the reheating experiment. The data for Fig. 2 are stored in 'Fig2.csv' The 1st column contains the frequency for subfigure a. The 2nd column contains the power spectral density for subfigure a. The 3rd column contains the frequency for subfigure b. The 4th column contains the power spectral density for subfigure b. The 5th column contains the time for subfigure c. The 6th column contains the libration energy for subfigure c. The 7th column contains the error on the libration energy for subfigure c. --- Figure 3: Heating rate as a function of pressure. The data for Fig. 3 are stored in 'Fig3.csv' The 1st column contains the pressure. The 2nd column contains the measured heating rate. --- Figure 4: Heating rate as a relative intensity noise (RIN). The data for Fig. 4 are stored in 'Fig4.csv' The 1st column contains the RIN. The 2nd column contains the measured heating rate. --- Figure S1: Characterization of the relative intensity noise (RIN). Subfigure a: Power spectral densities of laser intensity noise under different magnitudes of added noise together with the detector noise floor. Subfigure b: RIN as a function of noise magnitude. The data for Fig. S1 are stored in 'FigS1.csv' The 1st column contains the frequency for subfigure a. The 2nd column contains the power spectral density of the detector noise (black) floor for subfigure a. The 3rd column contains the power spectral density of the laser noise for low RIN (red) for subfigure a. The 4th column contains the power spectral density of the laser noise for medium RIN (orange) for subfigure a. The 5th column contains the power spectral density of the laser noise for high RIN (yellow) for subfigure a. The 6th column contains the magnitude of added noise for subfigure b. The 7th column contains the RIN at the libration frequency for subfigure b. The 8th column contains the RIN at twice the libration frequency for subfigure b.