The data & code submission contains the following folders: Rhone2020.jl ------------ Contains Julia scripts that reproduce all products. See its read-me at Rhone2020.jl/ for more information. Note that this is git repository with remote data ---- - DCX22_CTD: time series of pressure, conductivity and temperature - DCX22_pressure: time series of pressure over night (not used in the paper) - Stage_pressure: time series of water/atmospheric pressure in stream and air (not used in the paper) - geodata: data used to produce Figure 1 (map) From Swisstopo - DEM of glacier surface - outline of Switzerland - ortho-photo - shapefile of glacier surface streams (digitized from ortho-photo) From ETH's research collection - DEM of glacier bed - outline of Rhonegletscher From field data - borehole coordinates products -------- - additional_figues: pdf files with plots not shown in paper or supplements, showing raw and processed data - `raw_data.pdf`: raw data of CTD sensors - `calibration_plots.pdf`: calibration of conductivity and temperature - `derived_quantities.pdf`: discharge, cross-sectional area, friction factor etc. for all tracer experiments (not only the ones selected for the paper) - `other figures.pdf`: Moody plot plus plotting the thermodynamic variables a bit differently - derived_data: - csv files containing time series of derived cross-sectional area, discharge, hydraulic gradient and friction factor - Tables S2 and S3 of the supplementary material in latex format - paper_figures: figures in paper and supplements